Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday

today to Deb H!! Hope your day is a good one!

Also, a Happy Birthday shoutout to Barb who
also celebrates a birthday this month! Hope your
doing fine and all is well!

Angie, thanks for the party decorating and picture
taking - I can't thank you enough! Hope to post
pics tonite.


Debbie H said...

Thanks! I have been sick for almost a week, feel yucky, but starting to feel a little better today. No celebration planned, really looking forward to the retreat this weekend.

Barb, happy belated to you!

Deb H

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Deb H and Barb hope u both have a great one!!!


had that crud a month deb been to the dr twice finally getting rid of it!!!

Betty said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but sounds like you are on the mend!!! I say a scrappin weekend away is just what the Dr. ordered. Have fun and hope you get alot of great stuff done this weekend!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deb H and Barb!! Hopefully you are having a great day!! Feel better Deb.