Monday, April 6, 2009

What to do with

scrapbook supplies after you get a Cricut........

Hmm, I don't think so..............

I'm sure you all have seen the video - but thought
I would post it anyway in case others haven't.


Melinda's World said...

that was ridiculious. I don't think so

Ivana Clay said...

Wow! I hadn't seen that before! Those must be some heavy duty blenders. LOL! :) I think I will still keep my scissors, stamps, etc!

Debbie H said...

I can't watch U Tube, it sucks my FAP, you'll have to tell me about it when we crop Friday.

Deb H

scrap happy girl said...

You dont want to know....
and no, no way.

Betty said...

Hey Deb's pretty hard on the eyes to watch. LOL.

Debbie H said...

Wow, now I am curious!