Friday, October 3, 2008

Safe Travels

to all of you on the road this weekend
and next week. Enjoy and take lots
of photos!!

Since our group will be small next
weekend - I'm going to ask Barb
to reschedule the "event". It may
have to be set for the Dec. crop.


Anonymous said...

If she wants us to leave an order (so we can keep up the card club) might I suggest a kit? Thats fine with me. I'll need a photo copy example or somthing but it would be fine.

Debbie H said...

I am totally flexible, too. If she wants to substitute a kit and have us just give her orders, I am prepared to do that. I am bringing a check, envelope, stamp and my next order to NY with me so I can mail her my check for the last order and give her my next order. I'll stay tuned. PS: Thanks for the traveling well wishes, I just hate the drive to NY (actually, I hate driving in Rochester for work, too). I'll be happy to be back home in KY. Next trip Christmas, a little too soon!

Deb H