Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!

to my daughter Christina who is 26 today, my
nephew Hunter who turns 13 today and birthday
wishes to scrappin buddy Deb W. Enjoy your
special day everyone!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just took these pics

from my office window
up on the hill.
It appears an Apartment
building on 13th Street
is on fire....... Hope no
one was in the building.
The sights and sounds
of sirens, etc., has been
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

I just love Sidewalk Chalk....

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We had a great time this past weekend enjoying
the beautiful weather and drawing sidewalk art.
I almost forgot how fun Hopscotch was..............

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New dates

have been added for crops. Take a look.
Also, I know several of you will be at the
Fiskars event on the 21st, but if others
want to crop on Friday or even Sat., let me
know. If not enough interest - I'm going to
cancel those dates.

Just wanted to mention

we had a great time at the Cancer Crop this year.
The attendees were down this year but in spite
of that the money raised was pretty impressive.
We missed those of you that couldn't make it - and
hopefully next year we'll all be there!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


forgot to update Tristan yesterday. Long story short-
he had a piece of black plastic up there. It was oddly
shaped and wedged itself pretty good in the narrow part
of his nasal cavity.

Another childhood "What Were They Thinking" antic
checked off the list. We're keeping our fingers crossed!

Looks like a beautiful day in the neighborhood on tap
for today. Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

After enjoying a great scrappin

getaway this past weekend - I'm now stressed again.....

What is it with toddlers and their fascination with their
orifices? It seems Tristan who has discovered the art of
"finger meets nose" decided to stick a foreign object in there
last night and see what it feels like coming out..... Well, it didn't
come out - and after visiting with an ENT Dr., it is still lodged and
he will undergo being sedated tomorrow to remove it. Tristan
said he put a rock/pebble up there however, the Dr., believes
it is some sort of plastic. It doesn't appear to be very large and
we were hoping he would sneeze it out or possibly even swallow
it - but so far it's still lodged.

Poor Mommy, she never did anything like this and she's just
amazed at how fun motherhood truly is........ and Granny is
a nervous wreck.........