Saturday, August 16, 2008


everyone for the great response to the
Cookie Swap! Still hoping to hear from a
few more of you - but for now we have 8
signed up!!!


Debbie H said...

Great pictures of Zoe, where were you picking apples, they look delicious! 8 for the cookie swap is pretty good, I am looking forward to it!

Deb H

Debbie H said...

Crop dates: 10/10+11 I will be in NY, 11/7+8 I will be at retreat. I will be at all the other crops, though!

Deb H

Betty said...

Yes, great response to the Cookie Swap - DH. Glad to hear you will be able to make the majority of the crops!!

Christina took the pics at their house in Auburn same place as the Zoe pink dress shots. They have a huge apple tree and it produced a ton of apples. The landscaping out there is awesome. I love to take pics out there.